April Update(s)

I’m suddenly incredibly thankful for the person I was a month ago. I prepped a lot of posts for the rest of the year and I scheduled poems for the rest of the year. This means that the me I am this week didn’t have to come up with a title when I remembered last minute that I needed to post today!

I’m writing this day of posting, so bear with me. This hasn’t happened for a while.

The only real updates I have are that I’ve made progress in the book I’ve been working on to release in October.

The only things I’ve been doing otherwise are working on writing group stuff for one group and reading things. I’m thinking about talking to some friends about proofreading for them for spelling and grammar issues, but I haven’t talked to them about it yet so I’m not sure how they’ll feel about it. I know the one was disappointed with the book he released having some issues because he went through a publisher and paid someone to do the spelling and grammar.

Other than that I’m just… Happy. I’m working on other things and trying to get my life a little better. Slowly, but surely, I’m making this happen. There might be some pretty big changes happening this year. And I think I’m ready for them.

Peace for now everyone.


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